Pre-Kindergarten Expectations: Overview

The Next Generation State Standards were designed for grades K-12.  These skills taught in Pre-K 3-4 prepare students for the kindergarten expectations of the Next Generation standards.

ABC's of Pre-K 

A Attention span: able to attend to adult-directed activities

B Buttons: count them, sort them, and learn to button them on your own

C Cuts: with scissors, Counts to 10

D Draws: simple shapes

E Eats: in the lunchroom

F Follows: directions

G Grouping: able to sort items by shape, size and color

H Habits: establish good bedtime and mealtime routines

I Independence: inspires confidence

J Jobs: able to follow through on simple tasks

K Kicking: able to kick a ball without losing balance, does not kick peers

L Listens: to a short story without interrupting

M Macaroni: pictures, necklaces, etc.

N Name: able to recognize own name in writing

O Open: to new experiences

P Plays well: independently and with other children

Q Quiet: understands the difference between indoor and outdoor voices

R Recognizes: rhymes

S Separates easily: from parent or caregiver, shares with others

T Time: understands the general concept of time of the day

U Understands: and is able to follow simple rules and directions

V Vocal: able to verbalize wants and needs

W Writes: understands words are representations

X Extra love and attention: may be needed in the beginning

Y Yellow: knows colors

Z Zipping: able to zip his own jacket

Pre-Kindergarten Expectations:

 Personal and Social Development

Observed in the following areas: 👉 Click Here

Approach To Learning


Interactions With Others

Conflict Resolution

Pre-Kindergarten Expectations: 

The Arts

Observed in the following areas: 👉 Click Here

Creative Arts


Creative Dramatics

Pre-Kindergarten Expectations: 

Language and Literacy

Observed in the following areas: 👉 Click Here



Literature and Reading


Alphabet Knowledge

Pre-Kindergarten Expectations: 

Mathematical Thinking

Observed in the following areas: 👉 Click Here

Patterns and Relationships

Number concept and operations

Geometry and spatial relations


Pre-Kindergarten Expectations: 

Physical Development

Observed in the following areas: 👉 Click Here

Gross-Motor Skills


Fine-Motor Skills

Pre-Kindergarten Expectations: 

Character Development

  “You can’t become who you should be, if you don’t do what you should do.” 

The Phonetic Program:

Sing, Spell, Read, and Write

partnered with High Scope Approach

Phonic Program partnered with High Scope Approach. 👉 Click Here For More Information

Phonic Program: Sing, Spell, Read and Write partnered with High Scope Approach for Pre-Kindergarten